Transphobic Hate Incident

I recorded this video of a local air ambulance taking off, I knew for a fact that there was no patients in the air ambulance as I talked to one of them standing nearby, there was no victims or casualties on board and I knew this to be a fact. I am a responsible photographer which is a hobby of mine that my uncle got me in too.

They seemed happy enough for me to record the vifeo, the same video that the RNLI uploaded (see here )

Within a short time a local woman took offense and started harassing me despite the fact that I had repeately asked her to leave me a lone

The harassment continued, and when I woke up the next day I had messages to say "Better lock up your rabbits" and that they where going to boil my rabbits, and that she would harm me in the street.

I locked outside and the rabbits were gone so I phoned the police. Later on I started to recieve Transphobic messages via facebook and messages threatening to cause me harm

I called the police and they arrested a woman called Michele Mccrindle a local book author
A book author who brought her own book just to leave it a positive review on Amazon (click to enlarge image)

I have been bombarded with hateful, transhobic messages from this woman which I believe to be a hate crime and I believe she targetred me because I am transgnder and her friends on facebook joined in, one of them decided to give out my address after I kindly sold them a hutch at a discount of £50

I have done nothing to this woman other than ask her to stop her harassing and hateful conduct

I beleive that she was stalking me for some time on facebook as it turns out she was the admin of one of the groups I was a member of, since I called the police she banned me from the group without cause which is victimization and she only did this when I put in a criminal complaint against her for her transphobic conduct.

I have since been removed from the other local groups including the photography group and I keep recieveing harassment, someone keeps rining me over facebook messenger then hanging up, but I dont know who is doing it. Michele keeps requesting access to my private files, has startted stalking me on other social media websites and today I recieved a threaning email demanding bitcoins of my video will be relased too all of my contacts.

Ive had to install locks and security cameras to protect my pets, The local shop keepers have started posting transphobic messages and I have been unable to sleep.

I have autism, I am transgender, suffer from PTSD and have mobility issues due to medical condition which means I don't get much done in a day for the past three days uive struggled to even do the house chores because of the seevere pain in my joints which means I live on medication for my knees

I moved to Scotland to start a new life after being sexually harasses, then I get to Scotland and get harassed by this woman, because I am transgender, she released a statment online saying that she was arrested for using a non PC word 
well I can tell you what the word was which I found highly offensive and that word was "Tranny"

she is trying to play it down and pretend she didnt do anything wrong. This statment is intended for the press, I have been in touch with several contacts in the national news papaers and podcasts, I was hoping to be left alone but I am now getting requests on social media and being followed by Michele

I was hoping that her harassing conduct would stop when she was arrested but then yesterday I recieved alaerts to say she had Subscribed to my channel and created playlists

48 hours ago was when I recieved the alerts and shes begun to create playlists in my name to harass me and I hope the police are going to do something

I did not deserve any of this hate/hate speech and harassment all over a video

I ask you, what kind of person sends public hate messages on social media, then deletes them when you said that you are going to the police? what type of person leaves reviews of their own book on amazon, which is against amazon rules?

what type of persons threatens to cause you harm? what type of person threatens or jokes about threats against your pets? 

I managed to capture a few of the screenshots before the original posted deleted everything to hide the evidence

This is one of the many threads deleted by Michele / Shelby Mccrindle Sleby / Michele are the same person but different handles used by her.

all images and screenshots  on this blog are taken from public websites and are public.

Michele claims the court case against has concluded so I therefore asume its safe to publish my story.

Sarah Beth x
